"Studying abroad as an undergraduate at Cal was an integral part of my own educational and personal growth. I love encouraging students who may not have thought they could study abroad and supporting students to find the right fit in a program."

How soon can I study abroad?
You can study abroad or complete a global internship as early as the summer after your freshman year, or if you are a transfer student, as early as your second semester. Many students successfully study abroad multiple times during their academic career.
Do I have to speak a foreign language?
While many students study abroad to learn a new language or strengthen their language skills, you don’t need to speak a foreign language to participate. Berkeley Study Abroad offers an array of programs instructed in English, even where English is not the language of the host country.
Is study abroad affordable?
Some programs are equivalent to, or even less than, the cost of attendance at UC Berkeley. You can apply your financial aid towards both summer and semester participation in study abroad, and many generous scholarships are available. Berkeley is #1 in Gilman Scholarship recipients and our Berkeley Study Abroad Scholarship is available to a broad range of students.
Will I graduate on time?
With advanced planning and coordination with your college and department(s) you can apply courses taken on study abroad to your major, minor, breadth, and general education requirements, allowing you to graduate on a four-year plan.
When is the deadline to apply?
Application deadlines vary by program, but can be as early as 9 to 12 months prior to the term of participation. Use the Explore tool to locate program specific deadlines and application instructions.
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We are excited to help you begin your journey! Our advising team is on-hand to guide you through the study abroad process.
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